19 Apr 2013


Moshi - moshi minna
Asami kali ini akan mengulas tentang Another, Another adalah sebuah judul anime yang diadaptasi dari novel horor. Mungkin minna-san udah pada tau yya...
Asami gak sengaja dapetin Anime ini dari temen dan ternyata bagus juga.
Mungkin kalau dilihat sekilas ceritanya mirip Final Destination tapi menurut Asami ini lebih Ok.
Langsung aja ke pokok permasalahan...

Another : berawal dari sebuah rumor 26 tahun yang lalu tentang kematian seorang siswa SMP Yomiyama Utara kelas 3-3 / 9-3 bernama Misaki. Dia adalah seorang siswa yang teladan, disenangi banyak guru dan siswa lainnya.
Setelah kematiannya siswa 9-3 tetap menganggapnya tetap hidup bahkan saat kelulusan Misaki ikut serta dalam foto kelulusan.

26 tahun setelah itu datang murid pindahan dari Tokyo bernama Sakakibara Kouichi di SMP Yomiyama Utara kelas 9-3. Awal mula Kouichi merasa tidak ada yang aneh, sampai akhirnya ia bertemu dengan Misaki Mei gadis misterius memakai penutup pada matanya teman sekelasnya, anehnya teman sekelasnya menganggap Mei tidak ada.

Kouichi perlahan - lahan mulai curiga dan mulai mencari tahu tentang Mei dan dimulailah kematian - kematian misterius terjadi.
Dan siswa - siswa percaya bahwa kutukan itu telah dimulai, untuk menghilangkan kutukan itu mereka harus menganggap salah satu siswa tidak pernah ada yaitu Mei dan kini Kouichi pun mulai dianggap tidak pernah ada.
Tetapi meskipun telah menghilangkan kedua orang kematian tetap menghantui kelas 9-3, banyak siswa yang mati serta keluarga yang berhubungan dengan siswa kelas 9-3.

Akhirnya setelah kematian wali kelas mereka karena bunuh diri Mei dan Kouichi pun mulai dianggap kembali. Kouichi dan Mei berusaha mencari tahu cara untuk mematahkan kutukan Kelas 9-3 dan dibantu oleh Teshigawara Naoya, Mochizuki Yuuya dan Ketua Pencegahan Siswa Akazawa Izumi.

Suatu hari Kouichi, Mei, Naoya dan Yuuya menemukan cara untuk mematahkan kutukannya dengan "Mengembalikan yang mati ke kematian" yaitu membunuh satu orang tambahan, orang tambahan tersebut adalah orang yang telah mati tetapi tetap dianggap hidup.

Ketika wisata tahunan kesebuah Villa dengan di sengaja cara mematahkan kutukan itu terdengar oleh seluruh siswa 9-3 dan mereka mulai saling membunuh untuk mencari orang tambahan, tersangka awal orang tambahan itu adalah Misaki dan semuanya berusaha memmbunuhnya.
setelah beberapa siswa mati dan Villa pun hampir habis terbakar Misaki Mei akhirnya tahu siapa orang tambahan itu, awalnya kouichi tidak percaya karena itu adalah guru pengganti mereka dan bibinya Reiko Mikami.
Misaki Mei pun akhirnya menceritakan kejadian setengah  tahun yang lalu tentang pembunuhan Mikami Reiko di dekat sungai dan ia menjadi saksinya.
Dengan berat hati Kouichi membunuh bibinya sendiri dan akhirnya kutukan itu bisa dipatahkan, setelah kejadian itu semua siswa 9-3 tidak merasa kehilangan atau pernah mengenal guru bernama Mikami Reiko.

Main Characters :

Sakakibara Kouichi

Misaki Mei

Akazawa Izumi

Teshigawara Naoya

Mochizuki Yuuya

Daftar Kematian SMP Yomiyama Utara kelas 9-3: (http://another.wikia.com)


  • Kyoko - Died from an illness on 12th April. She is someone's sister.
  • Watanabe's relative - Died from an unknown reason on 9th May.
  • Student - Died in an accident on 6th June.
  • Student - Died in an accident on 13th June.
  • Ikumi - Died from an illness on 23rd July. She is someone's sister.
  • Ritsuko Sakakibara - Kouichi's mother, her cause of death is still unknown. In the original novel, she died of a sudden illness soon after Kouichi was born and in the manga she died because of the curse.
  • Jun Hamaguchi - Striked by lightning during the class trip on 9th August.
  • Yuki Hoshikawa - Died by falling off the cliff during the class trip on 9th August.
Male students: 1+ Female students: 1+ Teacher: 0 Families: 4 Total: 8 (exclude the Dead)
This year's calamity stopped on August.


  • Mami Asakura - Died from an unknown reason. 3 years later, she was resurrect as the Dead of 1996.
Male students: ? Female students: 1+ Teacher: ? Families: ? Total: 12+. The extra student is Misaki.


  • Shogo Ikenori - Died from an illness on 20th September.
  • Kazuma Akazawa - Committed suicide in his room.
  • Mikami Reiko / Mikami-Sensei - Died from drowning in the river while being pursued by an unknown assailant a year and half ago. Later, she was resurrect as the Dead of 1998.
  • Akiko Okutsu - Died in an accident on 3rd November. She is Okutsu's sister.
  • Masashi Hashimoto - Died in an accident on 17th December. He is Hashimoto's father.
  • Shinobu Ono - Killed by someone on 29th January.
  • Yuuko Matsuda - Committed suicide on 20th February.
  • Akira Yamamoto - Died from unknown reason in March.
Male students: 4 Female students: 1 Teacher: 1 Families: 2 Total: 8
This year's calamity started on September. The extra one is Mami Asakura.


  • Misaki Fujioka - The first death, the "Death of April". She is Mei's "cousin", who died after a kidney transplant.
  • Yukari Sakuragi - Died because she fell down the stairs, which caused her umbrella to impale her neck on May 26th.She and her mother are the "Death of May"
  • Mieko Sakuragi - Died in a car accident in the same day as her daughter, Yukari.
  • Sanae Mizuno - Died when the elevator where she was in snapped its cords, which caused it to crash into the 2nd basement. This caused Sanae to hit her head on to the floor, before the elevator came crashing down, crushing her in the process. It happened on June 3rd. She and Ikuo are the "Death of June".
  • Ikuo Takabayashi - He died from a heart attack on June 6th. He is the "Death of June" along with Sanae.
  • Kubodera-Sensei - He committed suicide by stabbing himself in the neck with a knife in front of the class. He also killed his elderly mother in July.
  • Junta Nakao - At first, he was shown drowning before a speeding boat comes and hits him, splitting his body up into pieces. It was first thought that this death happened outside of Yomiyama, but this is however false. It seems like he hit his head at home after he fell down the stairs, giving him brain damage. So his Death was already a certainty before he even left Yomiyama. This death does not happen in the original novel.
  • Aya Ayano - While leaving Yomiyama with her parents in their family car, a rock fell and hit the windshield, causing the driver to lose control and drive off the mountain. This death does not happen in the original novel.
  • Atsushi Ogura - Brother of Yumi Ogura, he was a recluse who stayed at home. He died by being crushed to death by an excavator that crashed into his house.
  • Kensaku Numata - Killed by being pierced with broachs by Keiko.
  • Yumi Ogura - She fell off from a window during the pursue of Mei and broke her neck on the ground.
  • Makoto Ouji - He was burned to death when the dining room exploded.
  • Takako Sugiura - She got tangled in the wires and got strangled to death.
  • Kyouko Kaneki - She was stabbed in the back by Kazami and lbed to death while trying to escape with Matsui.
  • Keiko Numata - She was killed by Chibiki when he was defending Teshigawara and Mochizuki.
  • Kenzou Kawahori - He was crushed to death by a falling pillar while trying to escape the house.
  • Aki Matsui - She was stabbed in the neck when being pursued by Kazami.
  • Tomohiko Kazami - He was struck in the head with a metal rod by Akazawa and later died due to his injuries.
  • Izumi Akazawa - As lighting stuck the window, it shattered the glass, causing the shards to pierce her body against the wall.
Male students: 5 Female students: 7 Teacher: 1 Families: 9 Total: 22
This year's calamity started on April and stopped on August. The extra one is Reiko Mikami .

Yomiyama Middle School Class 9-3 1998

Seat Arrangement

Gomen yya kalau agak berbelit - belit tapi setidaknya bisa membantu untuk yang belum lihat atau baca komiknya...

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