Fashion Notes (Japan Style) |
![]() Agar tampil lebih ok dengan Japan Style, simak beberapa tips fashion dari para pengamat mode berikut ini. 1. Pada umumnya tema Japan Style terinspirasi dari tokoh-tokoh komik, anime yang kemudian diadopsi dalam gaya fashion. Sehingga perhatikan gaya-gaya tersebut, apakah masih mampu dipakai untuk manusia. Salah satunya tokoh animasi Sailormoon yang hingga hari ini masih menjadi tema gadis-gadis di Jepang untuk cantik. 2. Untuk memadu-padankan warna (tabrak warna) pilih 2 warna yang masih satu nada. Untuk mengetahuinya sebenarnya mudah, warna-warna dasar seperti merah, kuning, biru, pink bisa dipadukan dengan warna-warna yang lebih tua atau lebih muda. Pastikan warna yang dipadu memiliki nuansa yang berbeda, agar penampilan lebih modis dan futuristic. Contohnya, mini skirt dengan warna merah terang, tentu akan lebih futuristic bila dipadu dengan atasan atau sackdress putih. Kemudian sepatu boot hitam. Bisa juga dipadu dengan warna rambut atau wig warna peach atau magenta. 3. Tak boleh dilupakan adalah aksesoris. Tak hanya sebagai pelengkap dari fashion, pilihan aneka gelang, kalung, topi, sepatu, tas hingga perhiasan lainnya tentu harus punya trik tersendiri. Pilih bentuk yang unik. Tema-tema girlie seperti cincin, gelang atau kalung bertema bunga dengan warna-warna lembut seperti pink, merah dan putih tentu bisa jadi pelengkap. Bagi pecinta aksesoris metal, pilih yang terbuat dari bahan yang tidak terlalu berat. Bahan silver (perak) atau aluminium bisa dipilih bagi yang tidak ingin mengenakan bahan emas. 4. Sepatu boot, high heels model jaring atau yang berwarna gelap bisa dibuat lebih meriah dengan pilihan kaus kaki dengan warna yang cerah. school Fashion The Fashionable Uniforms Everyone's Desperate to Wear Two girls in "just kidding" school uniforms. (C) arCONOMi Students wearing "just kidding" school uniforms. (C) arCONOMi Stylish fashions with the look and feel of school uniforms, called nanchatte seifuku ("just kidding" uniforms), are the latest hit among teenage girls. Students at schools with no official uniforms are choosing clothes that look like uniforms to go to school in, and even students at schools where uniforms are obligatory are dressing in stylish uniform-like clothes after school and on weekends. Recently the trend has started to take off outside Early Uniform "Makeovers"The use of the school uniform as a fashion statement is not entirely new. As long ago as the 1970s and 1980s, kids in the "cool" crowd at school were customizing their uniforms and wearing them in unorthodox ways. The fashions varied from region to region, and from one school to another, but the general trend was for shorter-than-regulation jackets and wide-legged pants for boys, and ankle-length pleated skirts for girls. In the 1990s many schools introduced new uniforms in an attempt to put an end to these modified styles. Blazers were a common choice. Instead of reversing the trend, however, the new uniforms set the stage for even more variations, and legions of high-school girls around the country were soon sporting blazers with miniskirts and loose socks that came up to their knees, as their male classmates strutted their stuff in hip-hugging pants. Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu. (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) (C)Nagaru TANIGAWA・Noizi ITO/(C)KADOKAWA SHOTEN A magazine specializing in faux school uniforms School Mix. (C)DIA COLLECTION anga Inspiration"Designer" uniforms that looked like a more stylish version of the real thing first appeared around the beginning of the new millennium. Whereas previous trends had seen students bending the rules by customizing the outfits they were required to wear, this time it was the uniforms themselves that became the must-have style. Once again, manga and novels set on idealized school campuses were an influence. Among the most popular models were Sailor Moon, a classic manga about a group of high-school girls who battle evil dressed in miniskirt versions of the "sailor suits" worn by Japanese schoolgirls, K-On!, in which a high-school girl joins the school's light music club just before it folds, and the light novel and manga The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, with its eccentric high-school heroine. The uniforms in these stories come in a range of colors and styles: Often each character has his or her individual style. The designs later became popular motifs for cosplay (costume play) wear and faux uniforms. The Trend Spreads OverseasThe popularity of these fake uniforms has seen dedicated boutiques opening to satisfy demand. The trailblazer was CONOMi, a specialist store in Faux uniforms are carried by many online shops and are a popular subject for fashion magazines. Specialist magazines such as School Mix help stylish schoolgirls to keep up to date with all the latest trends. Recently the trend has taken off overseas. Uniform-themed events have been held in |